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Hunting for Lechwe

The red lechwe is a medium-sized antelope exhibiting characteristic dark markings on the forelegs. Only the ram carries horns, which sweep backward initially and then curve forward at the tips. Excellent swimmers, they cannot move very fast on dry land. This aquatic antelope forms herds of 10 to 30 individuals and can be seen just about any time of day. Hunting lechwe can be a real challenge, as he will tend to stand and watch his pursuer, keeping just out of reasonable range. Shots will be necessarily long. The aim point is the standard high heart/lung shot; straight up the foreleg, one third into the body and squeeze. In South Africa Lechwe can be hunted year-round.


(Day hunt)

Trophy Fee


Rifle hunt ✔️

Min. Caliber  7mm

Bow hunt ✔️

SCI Record Book (min. inches)

Gen 58
Bow 52
Method 1

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